Mercury Retrograde
Welcome to Your One-Stop-Shop of all you need to know about Mercury Retrograde
Simply put, Mercury retrograde means that Mercury is moving back from an astrological standpoint – not a literal one. In Astrology, some of the planets move forward and back in the Zodiac. Mercury, the communications planet, falls into this category and he goes retro 3-4 times per year.
Mercury Retrograde & Its Effects
Each retrograde lasts for about 3 weeks or so and many people tend to feel the effects in a negative way. Mercury Retrograde is probably the most accepted “astrological term” out there. Even people who know nothing about astrology have heard it used before.
Things tend to not move ahead as quickly as we’d like during retrogrades.
We’re kind of forced to reassess and do a lot of redos for some reason or another. This can be particularly exaggerated during a Mercury Retrograde, though. That’s because it’s the planet that centers around communications. We all need to communicate every day in some way or another. AND Mercury likes to play lots of tricks on us in what say and where we go when he’s moving back.
Mercury retro usually gets a bad rap – mainly because it pushes us to be patient.
These periods also tend to be ones where we get caught up in lots of technological snafus.
**Computer whizzes listen up – you’re on call to help your non-techy friends during this time – they need you! **
Electronics of all sorts can go awry but paperwork (ie: contracts, agreements) problems tend to surface too. The beauty of this problematic and frustrating period is that most of the snafus you get caught up in clear up by the time Mercury resumes his forward motion. So try not to totally lose it – it’s going to work out!
Despite some initial frustrations, Mercury retro can work for us if we’re open to the possibilities. We can make the Mercury Retrograde miscommunication period work to our advantage if we play it right.

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