Crystal B's
Available Worldwide!
Predictive and Mindful Astrology One Phase at a Time.
Find out why Astrology makes sense when everything else doesn't.
Feed Your Moon helps you embrace and honor your authentic self, understand your evolving needs, gain perspective on mystifying events in your life, and learn to use planetary influences to your advantage.
There is MORE to your story and this new ground breaking astrology book explains WHY. After a life time of working with real people, their stories, struggles and triumphs, second generation astrologer and author Crystal B. brings to light the laws of the universe in connection to our moon signs and evolving phases, while delivering the truths of the not commonly discussed Progressed Moon.
This new book of self discovery has been written for both beginners and astrology junkies alike. FEED YOUR MOON delivers the ingredients for all the answers you’ve been looking for including real life stories and a guide to help turn your ordinary into something extraordinary. Your Moon is hungry and it’s finally time to have a book that helps you get in touch with the right recipe to FEED IT.
" The Moon is a marker of how we need to be fed emotionally in order to feel satisfied. Getting in touch with her is how you find emotional satisfaction, but most of us are only skimming the surface of her big reveals. "

Feed Your Moon
Predictive and Mindful Astrology One Phase at a Time by Crystal B.
No matter what your sun sign or other planetary constants, everyone gets a chance to experience each zodiac sign once, twice, or even possibly three times throughout your life. This modern astrology book by astrologer, Crystal B., is broken down into three phases for easy reading and referencing (Phase 1: Astro Basics, Phase 2: The Power of the Progressed Moon, and Phase 3: Advanced Techniques and Relationship)
This book of self-discovery has been written for both beginners and astrology junkies alike. Crystal B. brings to light the laws of the universe in connection to our evolving phases while delivering the truths of the not commonly discussed Progressed Moon. FEED YOUR MOON is the key to tuning into the “skin you’re in” and changing astrological influences in your life with an easy-to-read recipe written in three phases from beginner to advanced understanding. Crystal’s tools will help you embrace and honor your authentic self, understand your evolving relationship needs, gain perspective on the mystifying events in your life, and learn to use planetary influences to your advantage.
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What's Inside
Chapter 1:
Meet the Progressed Moon, a Tool for Mindful Prediction
Chapter 2:
Mindfully Decode Your Astrological DNA
Chapter 3:
Feeding Your Moon, the Origin of Emotional Satisfaction
Chapter 4:
Predicting Your Changing Phases and Skins Using the Progressions of the Moon
Chapter 5:
What Skin Are You In? Understanding the 12 Progressed Moon Signs
Chapter 6:
Astrology Houses & How to Use Them Through Progressed Moon Phases
Chapter 7:
Relationships, Attraction Factors and the Progressed Moon
Chapter 8:
Magic 29 & The Opportunity of Transition
Plus So Much More...
Get it online today
Discover the Twelve Skins of the Zodiac
One of the most important themes of the FEED YOUR MOON book is how we are constantly evolving and changing “the skin we’re in.” To bring the concept to life, Crystal B. collaborated with photographer, Celestina Ando. This unique photo collection brings to life the Twelve Skins or Signs of the Zodiac. The group collective helps us visualize the idea of our changing states.
The photographic collective is a representation of twelve people in their Progressed Moon sign or “skin they are in” at the time the photo was taken (August 2020). With extreme restrictions and travel limitations in place due to the pandemic, these twelve people willingly offered their energy to depict their astrological skin at the time of the shoot.
Find more in “Finding Your Progressed Moon: What Skin Are You In?” Finding your progressed moon is a key component in understanding what phase you’re currently in as well as what events/themes will be taking center stage.

Meet the Author
Crystal B. is an expert professional astrologer working with clients all over the world. She is a second generation astrologer and has been around astrology all her life. Her office is located in Montclair, NJ. As a public speaker, writer, teacher, coach and Astro Therapist she has become a trusted source of astrological information. She is passionate about using astrology as a tool for spirituality, mental health and mindfulness. Additionally, she specializes in Past Life Regression in connection with our astrological influences. Crystal develops and facilitates custom astrology events and works with prominent colleges, including Harvard, Barnard Columbia and Rutgers.
"While we may have many forces working against us at any given moment, there will always be something – even just one thing – working for us. Sometimes we just need a different perspective in order to see it."
Rave Reviews
“I have fallen in love with Feed Your Moon. I’ve practiced Astrology for almost 50 years and most books on this subject can be intense and difficult to absorb. As soon as I opened Crystal’s book I knew that diving in would be an adventure.
Every magical page is like being in a star-filled candy shop where you get to play in the nurturing embrace of the Luna Goddess. Crystal puts the fun back into learning, masterfully guiding us to understand, honor, and welcome the lunar progressions, their impact on our lives, and the predictive quality they offer.
Feed You Moon is a wonderful go-to resource filled with the kind of knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment that can only be shared by someone who has lived and breathed Astrology her whole life.”

Elizabeth Harper, owner of & Internationally acclaimed artist, clairvoyant, teacher, and author

A Must Have!!
Feed Your Moon is an excellent book devoted to understanding your Progressed Moon, very insightful and well written. This book is easy to understand and follow along with from beginner basics to advanced techniques. Definitely a MUST HAVE book!! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!
Changed my perspective
I really liked how Crystal made the information personal. This made things so much easier to understand on a personal level myself. I think this book adds the seasoning needed to understand astrology in a modern tone while emphasizing the moons contributions. Awesome Read!
Love This Book!!
This book is a MUST read! I read the entire book in 2 days. It’s easy to understand and flows effortlessly. It really helped me get a deeper understanding of the different life cycles we all go through and how to use it to my advantage. Wow! Just wow! I Love it! I’m definitely going to use this guide as a reference book.
Excellent Resource
This has been one of the most useful astrology books – I have ever purchased. Feed Your Moon explains our different skins and how we can unleash our potential in each Skin for that time period – ie. currently I’m in my Cancer skin and will rotate into my Leo skin in Oct. 2021. This is an amazing book and a great resource for anyone interested in Astrology.
Couldn't Put It Down!
Why can’t all experts write like this? Reading this book was like talking to a friend. I have some understanding of astrology so I was expecting to skip the beginning part of this “all levels” book, but NO. I was captivated and fascinated by how everything was broken down. Now all I want to do is ask everyone I know for their birthdate, time and place so I can better understand how to feed their moon 😉
Enjoyable and Insightful
I love this book. I had a hard time putting it down and took pages of notes while reading it. I gained perspective not just on my own journey, but that of my family members, too. This will be a book I refer to many times!