Cancer July 2024 Horoscope

Celebrating Success & Owning New Purpose as I Embark Upon the Next

The month of July kicks off in your astrological season and I want you to embrace it whole-heartedly! With your birthday and Solar Return just past or about to take place, the month ahead needs to be all about you. From every direction I look, your sign is a BIG part of the story. Expect to engage with a lot of activity and new happenings. July is your month to shine, be noticed & continue to take cues into building a more solid foundation of confidence. New achievements continue to strengthen your position and reveal how capable you are. I see a ton of support stemming out of an over-abundance of planets in either your sign or a fellow water sign. Above all things let your intuition guide you. It will feel particularly this month. Listen to your inner voice because it will never lead you astray. 

You are wise and this is your season to OWN IT! Being wise is all about sensing instinctually what to do and when to do it. And you always have that insight within you—it’s just easier to tap into right now. July delivers a potent New Moon in your sign on July 5. This will be a very personal marker of initiation for you and your year. The intentions you set at this point of the year will drive you into the next. Never underestimate a Cancer’s emotional perseverance. When you set your mind to do something—it will always get done. Major shifts continue to be underway, for your sign especially, as we travel through the second half of the year. The Moon’s Nodes are a year into their operation in your houses of career and home. You are being tested and pushed to be seen and heard. If you haven’t made strides to share your accomplishments, I encourage you to. Quite honestly, with the fated mix of July’s happenings, you might just end up being pushed into coming out of your shell. 

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