Pets and Astrology

Jack – Our Jack Russell -Corgie Mix Rescue
Pets and Astrology are two words that you don’t usually see in the same sentence – but I’m here to tell you that if you’re curious about a pet you can use Astrology to help you get your answer. Many of us are very connected to our pets and they can come in many different shapes and sizes. A fascinating thing about Astrology is that you can check out your pet situation in your own personal astrology if you need a little guidance.
In Astrology, the place that you want to look at when you’re thinking about pets is the 6th house. Each of our astrology charts are divided into 12 section called houses. These individual sections represent a different area of our lives and each house has several different meanings associated with it. The 6th house of our charts is connected to themes such as health, service, daily environment, work place, routines, co-workers and PETS.
Many people treat their pets like family members and they are a huge part of their daily life. People who are huge animal/pet lovers and advocates usually have planets living in their 6th house as well as strong placements connecting to this area. I personally do not look at people’s pet’s astrology charts even though I have been asked to do so.
I have met some astrologers that do (you would need at a minimum the pet’s date of birth) – however I don’t have any referrals to offer. Everything that is born or created (people, animals, events, corporations, etc) has an astrological chart that can reveal lots of info – including its future. The chart itself is just the alignment of the planets at the moment the “thing” was born.
If someone is coming to me with a pet question which people do from time to time, I prefer to use the owner’s chart as a guide. The answer being sought out will likely come out in their chart and it’s a more viable source of information to look at an actual person’s chart. It’s always easier to discuss someone’s astrology with somebody who can actually talk about it and pets usually can’t do that 😉
Now, when it comes to getting a new pet timing is everything and astrology is all about time.
Planets transiting, or moving through a person’s 6th house, can bring eventful happenings with pets. If you’re looking for a good time to take in a new furry friend, it’s important to take a look at the planetary activity affecting your 6th house. I’ve personally had Jupiter, the good luck planet, moving through my 6th house for close to a year or so. I always knew that if my kids were ever going to persuade me to get a dog it would be when the lucky planet of expansion was in this area of my chart.
Jupiter after all brings good luck and abundance and he’s always helping us out somewhere in our lives – whether you like it or not. Jupiter’s station and movement forward in my 6th house last week delivered just want my kids have been wanting for a long while … a dog. The arrival of this little guy couldn’t have been better and when my husband said “let’s get a dog” and my kids happily agreed I knew it was a good time to take the plunge. I never really wanted a dog or contemplated it until Jupiter entered this area of my chart.
That lucky Jupiter finally worked his magic last week and brought this little four legged cutie into my life. He’s an 8 month old rescue we adopted from a local shelter and we couldn’t have asked for a better dog (thank you Jupiter!).
There are of course bad times to get a pet and it’s a good idea to think about astrological factors going on that would deter your chances of having a smooth transition. I’d stay away from getting a new furried family member when troublesome planets are moving through your 6th house.
However there can always be beneficial windows to be found despite other stress factors affecting your 6th house – especially since some planets take YEARS to move through certain houses. Time of challenge with current pets can also be looked at in your astrology chart if you’re curious about the future. Again the place that you’d want to check out is your 6th house but you’d also need to include the planet ruling over this area. I’ve also noticed that troublesome aspects to Venus could resonate in pet issues since Venus represents something close to your heart and most often pets are just that.
So if you’re ever in doubt about a pet or questioning the right time to get a pet – don’t doubt the power of astrology. The planets and their alignments can be key putting your mind at ease as well as letting you know when challenges might arrive. It can also be a useful tool if you’re looking for that perfect time to bring a new friend home. Using Astrology to help you pinpoint eventful times can be incredibly beneficial- especially when it comes to furry four pawed things 🙂
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