March 2024 Horoscopes and Astrology
Welcome to my March 2024 Horoscopes and Astrology! A powerful wrap up, new astrological year and eclipse season begin now. Learn more about what it all means for you with my horoscopes and monthly forecast.
March 2024 Horoscopes and Astrology
March features an important wrap up and turning point. It begins in Pisces Season, showcasing the last sign of the zodiac. When we swim through the Pisces waters we need to go a little slower and sleep a little longer. Creativity and intuition runs high, while practicality runs short. The first several weeks of March are a time where some of your best ideas swim to the surface. Write them all down and at some point, you’ll be able to go back to them!
Expect to engage with a new sense of rebelliousness, as well, particularly with relationships. We want something new and exciting. Out with the old and in with the new. We’ll feel that early in the month, leading up to the March New Moon in Pisces. This New Moon will be the last of the year featuring all planets direct and an explosive Mars Uranus square. Get ready to set powerful intentions for your next. Dream big — courageously and fearlessly is the mantra.
March also presents a change of season (Aries Equinox) and beginning of the astrological year. Forget about Jan 1 kicking off 2024. The Aries Equinox is truly when the year begins! That point of the month (and year) is when we begin seeing, sensing and engaging with new adventures destined to find us.
March is a month where we’ll all need to buckle up for all of the ups, downs, and all arounds getting ready to feature in the skies …. and our personal lives! Remember that all planets are still moving forward and we’re still in the process of planting the most important developments of our year. The entrance of Eclipse Season, beginning later in the month, also presents powerful endings that will be followed by new beginnings. There is no time like the present to stay aware of the signs and prompts for both old and new themes surfacing.
Mercury moves into his retrograde shadows on March 18, eventually turning retrograde on April 1. Do your best to wrap up projects and some might naturally conclude on their own. Plan for April to be a month of revision and detours.
The highlights of March include: Venus & Mars squaring Uranus (Mar 3 & 9), New Moon in Pisces (Mar 10), Venus entering Pisces (Mar 11), Sun conjunct Neptune St. Patrick’s Day (Mar 17), Aries Equinox & New Astrological Year (Mar 19), Mercury conjunct Chiron (Mar 20), Mars entering Pisces (Mar 22), and a powerful Full Moon Eclipse in Libra (Mar 25).
All the extra personal details of my March 2024 forecast can be found in my Member Horoscopes. My membership is celebrating 9 years this month! It’s crazy to think of how much content, I’ve created in that time. Thank you to ALL who have supported the membership and tapped into the resources.
In my membership, you’ll find lots of videos, special articles and cosmic monthly wisdom to help guide you through and plan accordingly. Just like there is a lot happening in REAL LIFE, there’s a lot in my membership to explain it ALL!
My 2024 Guide also showcases all the BIG themes of the year and provides a framework to help set you up for success! Catch the BIRTHDAY special I’ve got going on in celebration!
Here’s What Members Get This Month

March's Most Important Dates!