Virgo July 2024 Horoscope

Attracting the Right Connections & Stepping Outside My Usual

A beneficial month is now in the making for you Virgo. July offers new opportunities to help you connect with others and cultivate your biggest hopes and dreams. Your connection factor is strong and I want you to take advantage of it. People are looking to surround you and make your acquaintance. A spotlight of energy is shining on the area of your astrology that helps you connect to a new tribe and network of people. Some of the keys to moving ahead involve mingling (a little or a lot) with others. With expansive and lucky Jupiter continuing to catch speed in your house of career, life direction and public attention lots of eyes are on you. Expect to feel a sense of pressure to expand your horizons as the month gets cooking. 

New connections are going to hold the keys to your next success. This energy gets activated to the fullest with July’s Cancer New Moon. Support with alliances and friendships ignite. You might even feel a new desire to nurture a particular friendship and quite possibly your biggest hopes and dreams. From a larger perspective, the Moon’s Nodes have been operating in your money houses (what you earn and what you share/owe) for about a full year now. You’ve been making big strides in recognizing your worth, value and joint resources. What’s yours and what’s mine have taken on totally new meaning. This time has also helped you draw lines and keep boundaries. Keep up the good work Virgo! What happens in the coming weeks will test you to continue to know your limits. 

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