Virgo September 2024 Horoscope

Taking on New Confidence & Making Fresh Starts in a Season of Endings

The stars are now aligning to put more attention than usual your way. September kicks off in your season which means this is the time of year to make your mark. Embrace it and when you feel the good juju know that you’ve earned it. The weeks ahead have a lot in store including a supportive New Moon in your sign. Some of your most important initiations are beginning to happen now. Thankfully your ruling Mercury is now moving forward. Any previous chaos that found you begins to sort out. We both know how well you can organize and create order. It’s your superpower. The weeks ahead allow you to get back on track which allows the more confident you to shine through. A bonus of the energy of September involves a very special planetary combination (involving Uranus + Neptune the planet of spirituality & Pluto the planet of transformation). Support comes through all month long as a result of these outer planets’ positive influence on your sign.  

Relationships will be an important focal point moving forward. September’s Full Moon Eclipse delivers a major turning point involving initiations that began back in March. With Eclipse Season in motion, old doors are closing and new ones preparing to open. There’s a lot of change surrounding you. Thankfully your sign knows how to adapt! Saturn & Neptune continue to move through your polar opposite sign reminding you of the importance of boundaries. I know you’ve developed new confidence to stay true to what you want vs. what everyone else wants. You’re still being tested, but I know you are seeing things more clearly than ever before. Support involving financial matters also surrounds you for a good part of the month with Venus in your house of possessions.  

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