Taurus July 2024 Horoscope

Highly Engaged & Daring to Do Things Differently

July delivers a highly engaged time for your sign. With a lot of the water element in activation, you will gain support and the ability to flow where you need to. I expect you’ll be on the go and speaking up more as you move through the tides. Communication with others is going to be important. There’s a lot of networking happening around you too, especially with matters involving money related themes. Keep in mind that expansive Jupiter is just getting warmed up in your 2nd house of money and possessions. He’s got big plans for you here! In order to go after your most important goals, you’re going to be driven to say what’s on your mind — even if it isn’t so pleasing to others. You’re changing the way you say things and who you say them to. You might even find yourself pushing the envelope (drastically) with what needs to be said. While there is a lot of support for you in the coming weeks, there’s also a ton of pressure. You’ll be feeling this as you head into the middle part of the month when Mars (planet of action) meets up with Uranus (planet of chaos & change) in your sign. Your reactions to combustible situations will be important to watch. Someone has the potential to blow.

We’re now more than half way through the year and you might feel like the stakes are high. You’ve been doing everything you can to push yourself out of your comfort zone. The pushes continue but now your confidence is higher. Tap into it and remember your worth! July delivers a time period where the stronger and more confident you needs to come out. I want you to fully engage with this confident energy zone. It’s not going to take over, unless you step into it. I know you’ve been working hard as you’ve dealt with change after change. Continue to go with this new flow and show off all the ways you’ve been working on expressing yourself. Continue to get creative. Take a chance, explore and leave your usual confines. You’re expanding your horizons and reaching towards entirely new places. I know you’re sensing it—even if it’s still a little uncomfortable. 

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