Gemini September 2024 Horoscope

Moving into a New Groove with Family Matters & Gaining Extra Confidence

September arrives with a fresh opportunity to get things back to order. Your ruling Mercury is now moving forward, clearing his shadow zone on September 11. This will be an important time of fully integrating all developments since mid-July. Don’t be deterred if there’s still a little scatteredness in the early days of the month—-it will fade. As you sort through everything, creating new order, expect important developments surrounding family matters. A Virgo New Moon activates early on beginning a new chapter surrounding your home and family dynamics. Your ruling Mercury also moves into this area as the month builds creating even more attention. Most importantly, September welcomes Eclipse Season and a season of necessary endings. 

Expansive Jupiter continues to push forward in your sign. The good news is that he’s continuing to encourage your confidence and welcome new connections into your sphere. Seek out networking opportunities every chance you can and take advantage of the “go big” planet. The Pisces Lunar Eclipse lights up your career arena mid-month. Putting yourself out there may be challenging but doing hard things delivers the biggest wins. There are still restrictions in play with pressure coming from Saturn — but thankfully it’s dissipating. You should encounter new wiggle room and freedom as September builds.  

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