Gemini July 2024 Horoscope

Leaning into Growing Confidence & Creating New Portals of Income

July welcomes a new month with expansive Jupiter in your sign creating additional opportunities. The planet of luck and abundance is now getting comfortable in your domain, helping you grow confidence and make new connections.  Listen to your intuition – it’s strong this month! Be on the lookout for situations coming in naturally to help put you on the map. There is no time like the present to spread your wings and fly. This is your time, Gemini, to lift up and soar into new places calling. It’s quite possible you actually end up going somewhere totally new. You’re in curiosity mode and there’s a lot catching your attention. If you have started something new, continue to nurture it. This is a good month to take care of all the people, places and things you hold close to your heart. If you haven’t begun initiations yet, consider taking a leap — even if it’s a small one. Lots of baby steps eventually lead to big motions forward. 

We’re now moving into the second half of a pioneering and wrap-up year that’s demanding you break through previous illusions. What you thought was—may not be what really is. Neptune, the planet that can deepen or eradicate our denial, makes his annual turn retrograde on July 2. He’ll be further showcasing themes surrounding your career and place in the public eye that you need to see differently. Saturn, the planet of hard work, is also operating in this area putting extra pressure on where you’re looking to take your life next. You’re building new foundations in this area and putting in the necessary time. However, an important facet of your career or public life may need to end or come to a conclusion — in order for you to make way into the next. 

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