Capricorn July 2024 Horoscope

Making Powerful Releases & Committing to New Relationships

A major month is in the making for you Capricorn! The wheels of destiny are turning and your sign sits in the epicenter of it all. You’ve been moving through a radical turn of events ever since the end of June, when a potent Full Moon in your sign hit. The second part of that story arrives in July (exact on July 21) pushing major decisions into full activation. Everything in the days and weeks leading up to this will be important. This is big Capricorn and I know you’re ready for it. Many of your most significant themes of 2024 have now presented themselves to you. Your ruling Saturn is now retrograde, helping you fortify your position and strengthen what you’ve previously built. He’s shown you what’s working and what isn’t. Saturn wants to support you this month and reveal more of your success factors. But you’ll need to keep the faith along the way, because a lot of change continues to set into motion. Celebrate your successes in whatever capacity they’ve come. You’ve climbed some very important mountains this year so far and you should be proud of all of them.

In the here and now, you will see energy highlighting your opposite sign and relationship sector. Who’s on your side and who’s not. A strong focus on relationships is now in motion. Be ready to A.C.T. on themes connected to partnerships. Depending on your situation you may feel closer or more distant to someone you’re closely connected to. July’s New Moon in Cancer activates your relationship sphere, asking you to make new intentions with partnerships. What I love most about this New Moon is your ruling Saturn’s support to Venus. The planet of love continues to operate in your relationship house till July 11 — use her to your advantage. Relationships and alliances are working for you. Home and living matters including new themes involving your family also take important focus in the month ahead.

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