Aquarius July 2024 Horoscope

Taking on New Routines & Embracing the Power of Change

You’re keeping busy Aquarius! As July kicks off, there’s a lot going on around you in your daily living and working environment. You may be pushed to juggle a few things at once. But you may be getting yourself into a good groove with lots to do. There might even be a push for you to operate a little more behind the scenes, simply because you’ve got things to do. Jupiter continues to help you with all matters surrounding your children, creative expression and discovering new hobbies. You’re becoming more curious and experimental. 

The wheels of fate are turning quickly this month. That means that there’s going to be some unpredictability that will keep you on your toes. That peaks in the middle of the month. In the earlier stages, Neptune, the planet of illusions + spirituality + subconscious, stations retrograde on July 2 in your house of money, possessions and value. He’s been operating here, along with Saturn, pushing you to work with finances more soundly, while breaking through denial. Pay attention to revelations surrounding money early on. Neptune’s turn will be helping you see through illusions of the past. Both Neptune and Saturn are asking you to step out of the areas that you haven’t been seeing clearly. There also may be further desire to hone in on spiritual possessions or experiences vs. material ones. The month of July delivers some momentous shifts, which are going to be quite important for you–but you’ll need to keep reactions in check as you see your way through. . 

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