The Hardship & Rewards of Your Saturn Return

One of the biggest Astrology Events a person goes through happens somewhere between the age of 28-30.
In Astrology “talk” we refer to it as the Saturn Return. It marks a time when the moving Saturn goes back to the place he was when we were born. It’s a momentous time in a person’s life and officially makes those affected an adult in the eyes of the planets.
If you were born between January 28, 1996 – April 7, 1998 then I’m specifically talking to you.
This is because Saturn either has already recently made or will make (by February 13, 2026) the return to his “home” spot in your astrology chart. Saturn is traveling through the sign of Pisces right now and that is the same sign he was in when you were born.
The Saturn Return marks a very significant time in a person’s life and it usually comes with a great deal of responsibility. Because let’s face it – responsibility is what makes us adults! There are a ton of different events that a person’s Saturn Return could bring and it’s neat to ponder the possibilities.
For one – a big promotion or move up the career ladder could happen which equates to more responsibilities. Other typical manifestations are getting married, buying a first house, having a child, or starting a new more demanding job. Significant and very committed relationships could begin at that time as well. Remember, the key is responsibility and growing up.
Of course there are the non-typical manifestations too.
One of those includes becoming a royal princess. Princess Kate actually got married and entered the royal family during her Saturn return. While certainly glamorous to those looking in I’d bet that her Saturn’s return began a new way of life for her. One which included a ton of responsibility.
*Please note that we can’t all expect to become a member of the royal family when our Saturn return hits. It’s the responsibility factor that is the one that’s guaranteed 😉
Jeez there’s that word responsibility again.
It feels like I’ve said it so much …. but alas that’s Saturn! Growing up – unfortunately – is never that easy and we typically aren’t all that eager to take on more responsibility or make our lives harder. Yet we all have to do it at some point and Saturn is always there routing us on. He is the official responsibility planet and the one that pushes all of us to be better – whether we like it or not.
Sometimes we’re eager for the changes he brings and other times we go kicking and screaming.
Saturn comes back ’round again to that same exact spot when we’re between 58-60 years old.
During the 2nd pass we again make a new life transition. However this time around we’ve now got mature eyes and are able to make wiser decisions. He continues on and makes his 3rd and final pass when we’re around 86-88 years old. A person who tackles Saturn’s pass three times deserves a champion title indeed! That marks the time that we would truly be considered the wisest of souls.
I’ll be honest and say that any Saturn transit isn’t easy – despite the enormous benefits he brings after the fact.
Most people don’t scream and shout lyrics of joy when Saturn hits. It’s hard to endure the new stresses that come along with that awful responsibility factor. However, what’s neat about the whole thing is that he does bring a sense of accomplishment. Regardless of the feelings surrounding this, it’s important to know that jumping into this new territory is precisely what’s needed at this stage in your life.
You’re ready for it and Saturn wouldn’t come knocking unless you were 🙂
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