The Fault In Our Stars: Star Crossed Lovers in Astrology

I recently decided to take a break from my Astrology books for some good ‘ol Summer reading . A friend let me borrow “The Fault in our Stars” by John Green and how could an astrologer not be enticed by such a title? I quickly found out why it became a #1 New York Times Bestseller and now a movie after quickly reading it through.
It’s a love story that’s been told many times ….over and over again. The one that evokes a lot of emotion – because it’s just so tragic. A story of star crossed lovers. Even though the main characters are totally fictional, being the Astrologer I am, I couldn’t help but ponder what their astrological charts might have looked like if they were real. I was also quite curious about the astrological details of their “first meeting” and what the planets were supposedly doing on that day – because I knew upfront it was going to be tragic.
And the planets and stars will always reveal the tale of tragedy.
Whenever people meet, the stars and the planets align in such a way that the story of their relationship is born. Anytime anything is “born” (people, places, things and relationships) an astrological chart is created. This is similar to how all of us have our own astrology chart the moment we enter this world.
Star crossed lovers, similar to Augustus and Hazel, are fated from the beginning to have a tragic love story because of how the stars and planets lined up when they first met. I hate to say it being the optimist that I am but it was doomed from the start. Of course there were wonderful combinations going on too – ones that evoke attraction, passion and romance. But when star crossed love aligns karmic and fateful stars and planets are tragically in the forefront.
The very definition of “star crossed lovers” stems from astrology. It basically means that there was a “malefic’ or evil star involved in the fateful first meeting. There are tons of examples of tragic love stories and the most famous of them being Romeo and Juliet (where the phrase “star crossed lovers” actually originates from).
However, normal every day – non-fictitious people suffer the same fate if they so happen to meet when the “stars are crossed” so to speak. You may have such a story yourself or know of someone who does. I don’t think having knowledge of being involved in a “star crossed relationship” pre-tragedy is such a great idea though. Talk about taking the fun out of the romance part!
I do think it can help – but not till the “afterwards” part. Many people suffering through tragedy most often end up looking for an explanation of why. The alignment of the planets and stars will always be able to shed a little insight from the universe. And sometimes what they reveal can help ease the pain of a broken heart.
People who end up in situations like star-crossed lovers are fated to it and likely wouldn’t change their path if you asked them. As the saying goes, “Better to have loved and lost – than never to have loved at all.”
It’s part of their path and sometimes we don’t get to decide what our path is. But we can decide who’s in the story with us.
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