Pluto Enters Critical 29th Degree of Capricorn

Pluto enters the critical 29th degree of Capricorn on February 11, 2023. Learn more about Pluto's sign change, something that hasn't happened since 2008.

Pluto Enters the Critical 29th Degree of Capricorn

On February 11, Pluto will enter the critical 29th degree of Capricorn. This is a sign that he’s been operating in since 2008. He doesn’t change signs all that often — but when he does the collective feels it. As he emerges into the last degree of Capricorn, situations will likely heighten and we may feel like we are on the “brink” into the next (which we are!).

Pluto officially change signs on March 23, 2023 heading into Aquarius (previewing this sign till June 11). He will officially re-emerge into Aquarius on Jan 21, 2024 staying there till Jan 19, 2044!

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