The Phases of the Moon

The Moon has always fascinated a lot of people.

She’s a beautiful part of our universe and the way she operates is very much connected to our lives. Looking at the phases of the moon can actually help you to make discoveries about yourself and the things you are going through.

Why The Phases of The Moon Are Important

The Phases of the Moon are an important gauge or barometer that can help us gain awareness & find the BEST time to:

    • Start Something (New Moon)
    • Gain Insight on its progress (Quarter Moon)
    • Complete it or make the decision to abandon it (Full Moon)

Related Full Moon Topics:

Full Moon

New Moon

Find Out What Each Moon Phase Means For You

Crystal’s B’s Horoscopes are customized every month to include special details about the Moon and her effects on our sign. Those looking for specific insight and forecasts into the monthly moon cycles will love these forecasts.

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