July 2023 Horoscopes and Astrology
Welcome to my July 2023 Horoscopes and Astrology! Get ready for a fated month filled with new twists and turns. Learn more with my horoscopes and monthly forecast.
July 2023 Horoscopes and Astrology
A fated and karmic month is now underway! July will likely be another impactful month involving important directional changes we need to take. The wheels of fate will be spinning. July kicks off in the emotional depths of Cancer Season and closes out in Leo Season showcasing the heart of the lion. As we begin, many of us will be looking for new anchors to help keep us centered. The sign of Cancer is all about family and protecting your emotional wellness. These themes will present strongly, along with desire to potentially need to revert into our shells for a bit. A potent, Capricorn Full Moon activates the month early on. This turning point lunation delivers a new tipping point, alongside an opportunity factor.
Relationships, both new and old, take center stage. I guarantee that whoever shows up in your month ahead comes with a message involving your soul’s purpose. It’s also probable that you’ve got some history with whoever reveals themselves (perhaps even from old life times). Adding to the deep flavor of July will be the Nodal Shift. The Moon’s Nodes will make their important transition on July 17, right alongside a high energy Cancer New Moon. They will transition back into the axis of Aries & Libra. New 18 year cycles are being closed out and beginning again, as a result.
Venus also begins her retrograde this month, showcasing an important 40 day cycle of getting to the heart of what we need and want. The place where she ultimately lands (not getting there till September) begins a new 8 year cycle. Both of these important shifts will be creating very important directional shifts (on a personal & collective level). Chiron, the wounded healer, will also be making a statement as he makes his annual turn retrograde.
There’s a lot in store. We each have our own personal place within every twist and turn. All the extra personal details of my July 2023 forecast can be found in my Member Horoscopes. You’ll find videos, special articles and cosmic monthly wisdom to help guide you through and plan accordingly! Just like there is a lot happening in REAL LIFE, there’s a lot in my membership to explain it ALL!