February 2024 Horoscopes and Astrology
Welcome to my February 2024 Horoscopes and Astrology! The year of the dragon begins, in addition to a rare set of cosmic energies. Learn more about what it all means for you with my horoscopes and monthly forecast.
February 2024 Horoscopes and Astrology
Taking back our power, in our own personal kind of way, is a major theme of February. This month also makes a strong feature of the lovers of the zodiac, Mars and Venus enchanted in a karmic dance, with Pluto. February begins in the midst of progressive Aquarius Season and closes out in lackadaisical and dreamy Pisces. This particular February is a little extra special in that it’s a leap year, which means we get an extra day (February 29).
Even more special is that February’s Aquarius New Moon Aquarius ushers in the Chinese New Year and Year of the Wood Dragon. Dragon years are auspicious, highlighting the ability for us to own our power alongside the art of magic and the supernatural. Dragon years happen every 12 years, the last one was in 2012. Wood Dragon years are much more rare, only happening every 60 years (the last one was in 1964).
Aquarius energy and all it’s eccentricities and rebelliousness will be very much highlighted in the coming weeks. This is particularly the case with both Mars and Venus co-existing in the sign of the unusual together. Not to mention that both lovers will end up dancing with Pluto (who is just getting warmed up in his new home of Aquarius). Expect to engage with new themes of power, connection and passion, wherever the Aquarius energy lands in your astrology. A huge focal point in to these themes now intensify. The possibility for meeting a karmic connection is also ripe for the taking.
Expect Valentine’s Day to not have such a romantic feel to it this year. It’ll feature a rather driving and intense Mars + Pluto conjunction creating strong driving energy—in addition to some road blocks. I’d give myself some room to breathe with all that’s going on on this day of love, vs. trying to smother someone with affection. The truth of the matter is that Aquarius isn’t all that affectionate. It much rather prefers detachment instead of the touchy feely vibes!
February’s Full Moon takes place in Virgo and delivers a head over heart matter. With a strong feature of Saturn, we can expect to break through some illusions and start seeing our situations clearly. Important developments present to help us lean deeper into healing, our spirituality and our new realities. Such an important part of 2024 is the realization of a new reality, which includes facets we like and those we don’t!
The highlights of the month include: Mercury entering Aquarius (Feb 5), New Moon in Aquarius + the Welcoming of the Year of the Dragon (Feb 9), Mars entering Aquarius (Feb 13), Mars conjunct Pluto (Feb 14), Venus entering Aquarius (Feb 16), Venus conjunct Pluto (Feb 17), Sun’s entrance into Pisces (Feb 18), Venus + Mars conjunction (Feb 22). Mercury entering Pisces (Feb 23) and a Virgo Full Moon (Feb 24). A month of out of the ordinary love fueled connection awaits!
All the extra personal details of my February 2024 forecast can be found in my Member Horoscopes. You’ll find videos, special articles and cosmic monthly wisdom to help guide you through and plan accordingly! Just like there is a lot happening in REAL LIFE, there’s a lot in my membership to explain it ALL! My 2024 Guide showcases all the BIG themes of the year and also provides a framework to help set you up for success!
Here’s What Members Get This Month

February’s Most Important Dates!